rutgers 1980
Brown at Princeton
October 4th, 1980
Princeton loses 11-28
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Band takes a long, hard look at things that freshman don’t get.
“Princeton Forward”
One freshman taboo is beer. Governor Byrne’s cut-off of the flow has been hard to swallow as it left freshman not high, but dry. It used to be a lonely freshman could go to the pub and gulp down a few, but this social source of solace has been tapped out. It’s lager no longer. No ale for sale. Bottom’s up has bottomed out. Without beer, though, what are weekends made for, much less Miller time? The gusto is gone forever, as New Jersey says, “when you’re out of Bud, tough Schlitz!”
“How Dry I Am” (Band forms full beer mug whose level gradually lowers)
And of course, there’s love. For many Frosh males, it seems that cupid’s arrows often fall short of their marks. Most seem simply to miss the point, merely getting the shaft in the end. Only a frosh male’s showers are colder than his average Princeton reception. And what of his female counterparts? As the sole benefactors of Princeton’s stone-age sex ratio, freshman women seem determined to break as many hearts as possible. Though the upperclassmen search and hunt, they can never find a long-term commitment. Reminding all the Class of ’84 that they won’t be freshman forever, the Band hopes that they’ll all have a heart.
“Heart” (Band forms heart and an arrow that pierces it)
Do you mind if we talk to you about…irregularity? One thing no freshman at Princeton can get is a decent meal. After a bout with the average Commons fare of Black Squirrel Fricase, potatoes Hindenburg, and Veal Mandango too, many frosh have been pushed to the brink of cannibalism simply throwing up their hands in disgust. Salads aren’t the only thing being tossed at Commons these days. Forming:
a) the cuke you puked
b) the stew you blew
c) the hash you flashed
d) the duck you chucked, or
f) the lunchmeat Brown band,
the Band suggests that its not roses that are coming up.
“Up, Up and Away” (Band forms blob)
One thing neither frosh nor alum can get is enough of the high-stepping, sonic glory of the Princeton University Band.
“Stars and Stripes Forever” (Band forms concert shell)
October 4th, 1980
Princeton loses 11-28
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Band takes a long, hard look at things that freshman don’t get.
“Princeton Forward”
One freshman taboo is beer. Governor Byrne’s cut-off of the flow has been hard to swallow as it left freshman not high, but dry. It used to be a lonely freshman could go to the pub and gulp down a few, but this social source of solace has been tapped out. It’s lager no longer. No ale for sale. Bottom’s up has bottomed out. Without beer, though, what are weekends made for, much less Miller time? The gusto is gone forever, as New Jersey says, “when you’re out of Bud, tough Schlitz!”
“How Dry I Am” (Band forms full beer mug whose level gradually lowers)
And of course, there’s love. For many Frosh males, it seems that cupid’s arrows often fall short of their marks. Most seem simply to miss the point, merely getting the shaft in the end. Only a frosh male’s showers are colder than his average Princeton reception. And what of his female counterparts? As the sole benefactors of Princeton’s stone-age sex ratio, freshman women seem determined to break as many hearts as possible. Though the upperclassmen search and hunt, they can never find a long-term commitment. Reminding all the Class of ’84 that they won’t be freshman forever, the Band hopes that they’ll all have a heart.
“Heart” (Band forms heart and an arrow that pierces it)
Do you mind if we talk to you about…irregularity? One thing no freshman at Princeton can get is a decent meal. After a bout with the average Commons fare of Black Squirrel Fricase, potatoes Hindenburg, and Veal Mandango too, many frosh have been pushed to the brink of cannibalism simply throwing up their hands in disgust. Salads aren’t the only thing being tossed at Commons these days. Forming:
a) the cuke you puked
b) the stew you blew
c) the hash you flashed
d) the duck you chucked, or
f) the lunchmeat Brown band,
the Band suggests that its not roses that are coming up.
“Up, Up and Away” (Band forms blob)
One thing neither frosh nor alum can get is enough of the high-stepping, sonic glory of the Princeton University Band.
“Stars and Stripes Forever” (Band forms concert shell)