Brown 1982
Brown at Princeton
October 2nd, 1982
Outcome Unknown
Ladies and gentlemen, The Princeton University Band takes a long, hard look at… Art.
“Princeton Forward”
In the Beginning, there was no art.(Band is in a blob) But as man’s mind expanded, so did his need for art. (Blob expands) It was at this point in history that man developed the wheel.
“Flintstones” (Center of blob hollows out, forming a wheel)
Now things were really rolling. Then came the oracle bones, which we cannot form. Fortunately for us, the Egyptians constructed the pyramids, which are easy to depict.
“King Tut” (Band forms pyramid, with trash percussion doing hieroglyphics in center)
But music was still in its early stages. The center of art moved to the Mediterranean, where the Greeks and Romans added a new side to art.
“Classical Gas” (Triangle opens to square, with trash percussion forming fourth side)
And although art did flourish during the Dark Ages, no one could see it. (Band looks around) But with the Renaissance, man’s attention returned to higher aspirations, captured by Michaelangelo in his ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
“I Want to Hold Your Hand” (Band forms rectangle, with Pres & Drum Major for God and Christ) As time passed, society progressed, nations industrialized, technology advanced, and with the creation of the Putnam Collection, art collapsed.
“Wipeout” (Band reforms a blob)
But with the artistic performances of the Princeton University Band, music marches on.
“Washington Post March”
October 2nd, 1982
Outcome Unknown
Ladies and gentlemen, The Princeton University Band takes a long, hard look at… Art.
“Princeton Forward”
In the Beginning, there was no art.(Band is in a blob) But as man’s mind expanded, so did his need for art. (Blob expands) It was at this point in history that man developed the wheel.
“Flintstones” (Center of blob hollows out, forming a wheel)
Now things were really rolling. Then came the oracle bones, which we cannot form. Fortunately for us, the Egyptians constructed the pyramids, which are easy to depict.
“King Tut” (Band forms pyramid, with trash percussion doing hieroglyphics in center)
But music was still in its early stages. The center of art moved to the Mediterranean, where the Greeks and Romans added a new side to art.
“Classical Gas” (Triangle opens to square, with trash percussion forming fourth side)
And although art did flourish during the Dark Ages, no one could see it. (Band looks around) But with the Renaissance, man’s attention returned to higher aspirations, captured by Michaelangelo in his ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
“I Want to Hold Your Hand” (Band forms rectangle, with Pres & Drum Major for God and Christ) As time passed, society progressed, nations industrialized, technology advanced, and with the creation of the Putnam Collection, art collapsed.
“Wipeout” (Band reforms a blob)
But with the artistic performances of the Princeton University Band, music marches on.
“Washington Post March”