Columbia 1961
Princeton at Columbia
October 7th, 1961
Princeton wins 30-20
(Band enters to “Give My Regards to Broadway”)
Ladies and gentlemen, this afternoon the Princeton University Band pays tribute to New York, the city that always makes the headlines. One of New York’s leading television personalities has recently visited a major spot of international tension. With camera in hand and foot in mouth, he has done his best to raise the morale of U.S. forces in Berlin. We salute you, Mr. Under Par.
“When Johnny Comes Comes Marching Home” (Band forms JP)
Next the Band repeats some advice apparently given to New York’s superintendent of schools, Mr. John Theobold.
“Row, Row, Row Your Boat” (Band forms rowboat) (Band forms M)
After his 15th of the 1961 season, in which he hit home run #59, Roger Marris was overheard as he muttered: “Heart” It is reported that folks passing Gracie Mansion during the late summer periodically saw a knight in pure white armor issue forth and peer into trash cans in his crusade to “clean up the city.”
“Saints” (Band forms shield)
October 7th, 1961
Princeton wins 30-20
(Band enters to “Give My Regards to Broadway”)
Ladies and gentlemen, this afternoon the Princeton University Band pays tribute to New York, the city that always makes the headlines. One of New York’s leading television personalities has recently visited a major spot of international tension. With camera in hand and foot in mouth, he has done his best to raise the morale of U.S. forces in Berlin. We salute you, Mr. Under Par.
“When Johnny Comes Comes Marching Home” (Band forms JP)
Next the Band repeats some advice apparently given to New York’s superintendent of schools, Mr. John Theobold.
“Row, Row, Row Your Boat” (Band forms rowboat) (Band forms M)
After his 15th of the 1961 season, in which he hit home run #59, Roger Marris was overheard as he muttered: “Heart” It is reported that folks passing Gracie Mansion during the late summer periodically saw a knight in pure white armor issue forth and peer into trash cans in his crusade to “clean up the city.”
“Saints” (Band forms shield)