Dartmouth 1965
Dartmouth at Princeton
November 20th, 1965
Princeton loses 14-28
The Princeton University Marching Band presents a long, hard look at some current events. Forming a moon on the field, the only bright spot in an otherwise darkened community, the Band salutes the latest triumph of the Civil Rights Movement — The Great Eastern Blackout. We ask whether this is the beginning of a new trend in integrationist techniques.
“That Old Black Magic” (Band forms a crescent moon)
Coming from the woods, Danny Dartmouth, in the true Johnny Appleseed tradition, goes to the Big City to sow his seed. But after pounding the pavement for hours, Danny can find no fertile ground, and he sighs:
“Where Have All the Flowers Gone” (Band forms a limp flower)
We next see a Dartmouth undergraduate as he picks up a girl for the first time in four years. Not knowing what to do he offers her a bottle of wine, but he is interrupted and pulled before the authorities. As the Band points to the evils of wine by forming a statutory grape on the field, we hear the unfortunate undergraduate explaining his case to the judge.
“I Saw Her Standing There” (Band forms a grape)
In an attempt to make the controversial math building seem shorter, the administration plans to put the entrance on the 13th floor. Princeton Charlie feels that this building would be more appropriate on the Dartmouth campus. Forming a pair of wings on the field, we see that the typical Dartmouth undergraduate could:
“Walk Right In” (Band forms wings)
November 20th, 1965
Princeton loses 14-28
The Princeton University Marching Band presents a long, hard look at some current events. Forming a moon on the field, the only bright spot in an otherwise darkened community, the Band salutes the latest triumph of the Civil Rights Movement — The Great Eastern Blackout. We ask whether this is the beginning of a new trend in integrationist techniques.
“That Old Black Magic” (Band forms a crescent moon)
Coming from the woods, Danny Dartmouth, in the true Johnny Appleseed tradition, goes to the Big City to sow his seed. But after pounding the pavement for hours, Danny can find no fertile ground, and he sighs:
“Where Have All the Flowers Gone” (Band forms a limp flower)
We next see a Dartmouth undergraduate as he picks up a girl for the first time in four years. Not knowing what to do he offers her a bottle of wine, but he is interrupted and pulled before the authorities. As the Band points to the evils of wine by forming a statutory grape on the field, we hear the unfortunate undergraduate explaining his case to the judge.
“I Saw Her Standing There” (Band forms a grape)
In an attempt to make the controversial math building seem shorter, the administration plans to put the entrance on the 13th floor. Princeton Charlie feels that this building would be more appropriate on the Dartmouth campus. Forming a pair of wings on the field, we see that the typical Dartmouth undergraduate could:
“Walk Right In” (Band forms wings)