Georgetown 2017
Georgetown at Princeton
October 7th, 2017
Princeton wins 50-30
The worst kept secret at Princeton, it’s the Princeton University Band!
[Band marches on to Princeton Cannon Song]
The Band may be the worst kept secret at Princeton, but Georgetown’s is definitely its secret society, The Stewards. In 2015 their emails discussing the merits of themed cufflinks versus Brooks Brothers ties were published on a blogsite. They’re probably wishing they could turn back the hands of time, back to when their existence was unknown.
[Band forms envelope and plays Time Warp]
These Stewards of Gondor, Stewards of SAD, Stewards of Sucky Secret Keepers really aren’t a great secret society. Look at them compared to us. They have cloaks, we have plaid. They have themed cufflinks, we have a van with free candy. They have Brooks Brothers ties, we have a Double Double Rotating P! Oops that was supposed to be a secret.
[Band forms Double Double Rotating P and plays Going Back to Nassau Hall]
In the midst of chaos, there is opportunity. In the midst of opportunity, there is the Princeton University Band!
[Band marches on to Princeton Forward March]
While a student at Georgetown, Ivanka Trump was involved in a forbidden relationship with someone who lived in a nearby swamp. It was Shrek. Shrek said that they couldn’t be together because of her father but Ivanka wasn’t afraid of her father. She would go visit Shrek in his swamp every day. Donald was very jealous of Shrek because he loved Ivanka too. He thought she had the best student body of them all. Out of jealousy and anger, he decided to drain Shrek’s swamp. A father’s love for his daughter and his daughter’s love for an ogre. It all sounds like a Bad Romance to me.
[Band forms a swamp and plays Bad Romance]
Ivanka was torn between her father and Shrek. Shrek saw how unhappy Ivanka was and decided to stand up to Donald for the sake of their love. He loaded the cannons on Georgetown’s campus that have always been pointed at the White House and fired them. They left quite an Impression on the White House. Donald didn’t want anymore property damage so he gave up quite easily. Ivanka and Shrek lived happily ever after with their half ogre, half human babies.
[Band forms a cannon and plays The Impression that I Get]
Run away Band, it’s time to drain the swamp!
October 7th, 2017
Princeton wins 50-30
The worst kept secret at Princeton, it’s the Princeton University Band!
[Band marches on to Princeton Cannon Song]
The Band may be the worst kept secret at Princeton, but Georgetown’s is definitely its secret society, The Stewards. In 2015 their emails discussing the merits of themed cufflinks versus Brooks Brothers ties were published on a blogsite. They’re probably wishing they could turn back the hands of time, back to when their existence was unknown.
[Band forms envelope and plays Time Warp]
These Stewards of Gondor, Stewards of SAD, Stewards of Sucky Secret Keepers really aren’t a great secret society. Look at them compared to us. They have cloaks, we have plaid. They have themed cufflinks, we have a van with free candy. They have Brooks Brothers ties, we have a Double Double Rotating P! Oops that was supposed to be a secret.
[Band forms Double Double Rotating P and plays Going Back to Nassau Hall]
In the midst of chaos, there is opportunity. In the midst of opportunity, there is the Princeton University Band!
[Band marches on to Princeton Forward March]
While a student at Georgetown, Ivanka Trump was involved in a forbidden relationship with someone who lived in a nearby swamp. It was Shrek. Shrek said that they couldn’t be together because of her father but Ivanka wasn’t afraid of her father. She would go visit Shrek in his swamp every day. Donald was very jealous of Shrek because he loved Ivanka too. He thought she had the best student body of them all. Out of jealousy and anger, he decided to drain Shrek’s swamp. A father’s love for his daughter and his daughter’s love for an ogre. It all sounds like a Bad Romance to me.
[Band forms a swamp and plays Bad Romance]
Ivanka was torn between her father and Shrek. Shrek saw how unhappy Ivanka was and decided to stand up to Donald for the sake of their love. He loaded the cannons on Georgetown’s campus that have always been pointed at the White House and fired them. They left quite an Impression on the White House. Donald didn’t want anymore property damage so he gave up quite easily. Ivanka and Shrek lived happily ever after with their half ogre, half human babies.
[Band forms a cannon and plays The Impression that I Get]
Run away Band, it’s time to drain the swamp!