harvard 1977
Princeton at Harvard
October 22nd, 1977
Princeton wins 20-7
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Marching Band takes a long, hard look at the taking of Harvard Yard 1-2-3.
“Princeton Forward”
At 12:15 this morning, the Princeton University Band, armed only with their mighty instruments, overcame the weak defenses of the Harvard Band, stealthily entered Harvard Yard, and absconded with the Harvard Band’s silicone-injected, more than 40-inch diameter, size D, and vastly overrated, bass BOOM-BOOM. To facilitate handling, we removed all the hot air — so prevalent in the Harvard Band — and shrunk it down to its present size.
“Mission Impossible” (The Band forms a circle around a toy wagon containing a small drum with a small ‘h’ painted on it. BM’s act like the Harvard “goon squad” and point their instruments like machine guns. Throughout the show, a BM totally destroys the toy drum.)
STOP, nobody move. Out atomic physicist has booby-trapped the stadium. The stadium will not be defused until our demands are met. They are as follows:
a) admit that you are the Stanford of the East.
b) you will pronounce R’s like normal human beings.
Repeat after me: PaRk the caR in haRvaRd yaRd. And demand c) the total destruction of Eli Yale Community College.
“Dragnet Theme” (The Band forms a ‘P’ and ‘Y’. BM’s in raincoats flash ‘BEAT YALE’) “Cannon Song” (The ‘P’ sweeps over and absorbs the ‘Y’)
Taking a cue from New England Telephone, every minute you delay, we will charge you a humongous sum. But hurry, it’s increasing even faster than your tuition.
“Double Your Pleasure” (Band forms ‘1.000’ and the decimal point — tubas — keeps moving over)
In a parting gesture of pity, the Band offers something Harvard hasn’t had for two years: entertainment of a musical variety. At the conclusion of this song, all those not leaving the stadium IMMEDIATELY will be subjected to the world’s biggest regularly appearing bomb: the Harvard Band.
“Washington Post March” (Band is in concert shell and marches off while playing.)
October 22nd, 1977
Princeton wins 20-7
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Marching Band takes a long, hard look at the taking of Harvard Yard 1-2-3.
“Princeton Forward”
At 12:15 this morning, the Princeton University Band, armed only with their mighty instruments, overcame the weak defenses of the Harvard Band, stealthily entered Harvard Yard, and absconded with the Harvard Band’s silicone-injected, more than 40-inch diameter, size D, and vastly overrated, bass BOOM-BOOM. To facilitate handling, we removed all the hot air — so prevalent in the Harvard Band — and shrunk it down to its present size.
“Mission Impossible” (The Band forms a circle around a toy wagon containing a small drum with a small ‘h’ painted on it. BM’s act like the Harvard “goon squad” and point their instruments like machine guns. Throughout the show, a BM totally destroys the toy drum.)
STOP, nobody move. Out atomic physicist has booby-trapped the stadium. The stadium will not be defused until our demands are met. They are as follows:
a) admit that you are the Stanford of the East.
b) you will pronounce R’s like normal human beings.
Repeat after me: PaRk the caR in haRvaRd yaRd. And demand c) the total destruction of Eli Yale Community College.
“Dragnet Theme” (The Band forms a ‘P’ and ‘Y’. BM’s in raincoats flash ‘BEAT YALE’) “Cannon Song” (The ‘P’ sweeps over and absorbs the ‘Y’)
Taking a cue from New England Telephone, every minute you delay, we will charge you a humongous sum. But hurry, it’s increasing even faster than your tuition.
“Double Your Pleasure” (Band forms ‘1.000’ and the decimal point — tubas — keeps moving over)
In a parting gesture of pity, the Band offers something Harvard hasn’t had for two years: entertainment of a musical variety. At the conclusion of this song, all those not leaving the stadium IMMEDIATELY will be subjected to the world’s biggest regularly appearing bomb: the Harvard Band.
“Washington Post March” (Band is in concert shell and marches off while playing.)