Harvard 1990
Princeton vs. Harvard
October 20th, 1990
Outcome Unknown
Band...James Band.
“James Bond Theme” segues into “Princeton Cannon Song”
Hey Harvard, we hear your Band’s been drafted… to sunny, fun-filled Saudi Arabia. So, you’re going to entertain the troops… hope you brought along enough slide grease. But look at the bright side: you can still stick your head in the sand and no one will notice all the hot air you produce. Maybe the camels will like your… music. Playing Cambridge Community College’s fight song, the Band sautes Harvard’s hard move… groan.
“Harvardiana” (Band forms a small ‘h’)
It’s hot in Saudi Arabia, but it was darn cold on the field this morning. Forming the
“Going Back” (Band forms Double-Double Rotating P)
“The Star Spangled Banner"
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Princeton University Band takes an in-depth and responsible look at environmental problems.
“Princeton Forward”
The world is full of trash…but enough about Harvard. Since the University put a landfill on our practice field, the Band has been exploring techniques in recycling technology. For example, we’ve discovered that old bowling trophies can be recycled into Nobel Peace Prizes, slums in the Bronx can also be used as buildings for Butler College, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves can be re-used as the Harvard football team. However, we still haven’t figured out uses for saran wrap, carbon paper, or Harvard diplomas. Illustrating the difficulties of being environmentally conscious (or conscious at all), the Band laments its recycling box blues.
“Basin Street Blues” (Band forms recycling box)
There is an up side to the destruction of the environment. Once all that pesky ozone is eliminated, we can use Antarctica as the world’s largest tanning salon. Thanks to Exxon, Mrs. Paul’s Fish Sticks now come in regular and unleaded. Nuclear winters will mean great skiing. Even Three Mile Island has its benefits…after all, two heads are better than one. But best of all, the greenhouse effect will melt the polar ice caps, thereby flooding the streets of Cambridge. Will it happen, or is our dream all wet? Only time will tell.
“William Tell Overture” (Band forms a sailboat)
It’s 2001, and the more things don’t change, the more they stay the same. For instance: Rose Kennedy is still alive, Jackie Kennedy is still a size six, John Kennedy Jr. still hasn’t passed the bar, Ted Kennedy still isn’t President, and the Harvard band still isn’t funny. Unfortunately, the environmental crisis still looms large. Picture this, if you will: Harvard is no longer in Boston, because Boston is in Boston Harbor. Forced to higher ground by the greenhouse effect and rising tides, Harvard has sought a new haven….in, that’s right, New Haven. With Harvard and Yale side by side, they’ve created the world’s largest intellectual vacuum and produced the prime location for a toxic waste dump. The Band would like to salute Harvard’s difficult movement and a brighter future for the rest of us.
“Thus Spake Zarathustra” (Band forms concert shell and flashes)
See Dick run. Run, Dick, run. C. Anthony Broh. Broh, Anthony, Broh.
October 20th, 1990
Outcome Unknown
Band...James Band.
“James Bond Theme” segues into “Princeton Cannon Song”
Hey Harvard, we hear your Band’s been drafted… to sunny, fun-filled Saudi Arabia. So, you’re going to entertain the troops… hope you brought along enough slide grease. But look at the bright side: you can still stick your head in the sand and no one will notice all the hot air you produce. Maybe the camels will like your… music. Playing Cambridge Community College’s fight song, the Band sautes Harvard’s hard move… groan.
“Harvardiana” (Band forms a small ‘h’)
It’s hot in Saudi Arabia, but it was darn cold on the field this morning. Forming the
- Snuggle for warmth,
- Exposed flesh freezes within 30 seconds,
- Don’t forget your mittens,
- Refrigerate after opening,
- Thinsulate thermal underwear,
- Hot rich cocoa,
- 90% of your body heat is lost through your head,
- Featuring the layered look,
- Don’t lick the pump handle,
- We’re hot-blooded,
- Bundle up,
- It’s not really cold; it’s the wind chill factor,
- We don’t have chapped lips, but we’ve seen them on TV,
- Double-Double Rotating P!
“Going Back” (Band forms Double-Double Rotating P)
“The Star Spangled Banner"
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Princeton University Band takes an in-depth and responsible look at environmental problems.
“Princeton Forward”
The world is full of trash…but enough about Harvard. Since the University put a landfill on our practice field, the Band has been exploring techniques in recycling technology. For example, we’ve discovered that old bowling trophies can be recycled into Nobel Peace Prizes, slums in the Bronx can also be used as buildings for Butler College, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves can be re-used as the Harvard football team. However, we still haven’t figured out uses for saran wrap, carbon paper, or Harvard diplomas. Illustrating the difficulties of being environmentally conscious (or conscious at all), the Band laments its recycling box blues.
“Basin Street Blues” (Band forms recycling box)
There is an up side to the destruction of the environment. Once all that pesky ozone is eliminated, we can use Antarctica as the world’s largest tanning salon. Thanks to Exxon, Mrs. Paul’s Fish Sticks now come in regular and unleaded. Nuclear winters will mean great skiing. Even Three Mile Island has its benefits…after all, two heads are better than one. But best of all, the greenhouse effect will melt the polar ice caps, thereby flooding the streets of Cambridge. Will it happen, or is our dream all wet? Only time will tell.
“William Tell Overture” (Band forms a sailboat)
It’s 2001, and the more things don’t change, the more they stay the same. For instance: Rose Kennedy is still alive, Jackie Kennedy is still a size six, John Kennedy Jr. still hasn’t passed the bar, Ted Kennedy still isn’t President, and the Harvard band still isn’t funny. Unfortunately, the environmental crisis still looms large. Picture this, if you will: Harvard is no longer in Boston, because Boston is in Boston Harbor. Forced to higher ground by the greenhouse effect and rising tides, Harvard has sought a new haven….in, that’s right, New Haven. With Harvard and Yale side by side, they’ve created the world’s largest intellectual vacuum and produced the prime location for a toxic waste dump. The Band would like to salute Harvard’s difficult movement and a brighter future for the rest of us.
“Thus Spake Zarathustra” (Band forms concert shell and flashes)
See Dick run. Run, Dick, run. C. Anthony Broh. Broh, Anthony, Broh.