Lafayette 1983
Princeton vs. Lafayette
November 5th, 1983
Outcome Unknown
Come with us, as the Princeton University Band takes you on a journey to that mystical world of the Orient.
“Princeton Forward”
First of all, China is big. As a matter of fact, it is quite big. (Band asks, “How big is it?”) It is sooo big that when the Chinese sit down to eat, there are over a billion served. Living in such an ancient civilization has several pros and cons. For instance, the pros include such niceties as silk, ming vases, rickshaws, opium, and the great wall, SHOWN HERE. And here are the cons: Genghis KHAN, Khobilai KHAN, Wrath of KHAN, KHAN Edison, Chaka KHAN, James KHAN, ScantiKHAN, King KHAN, KHANdiments, and Stream of KHANsciousness. And remember: KHANfucious say: Why does a dog chew its bone? — Because it KHAN.
“Superstar” (Band forms the Great Wall)
Have you ever felt left out at a party when the discussion turns to the ever-popular subject of Taikwandoe? Avoid this embarrassment by subscribing to Martial Arts Digest, Magazine of the Masters. Meet Quai Chang Caine, the priest who single-handedly defeated every evil, slave-mongering railroad boss in the old west…in slow motion. See our Sumo centerfold. And remember, Confucious say: “When Sumo wrestler sit around Pagoda, Sumo wrestler sit around Pagoda.”
“Baby Elephant Walk” (Band forms a pagoda)
Welcome to another episode of Samuri waiter. After you waiter Tojam is finished serving you your Bu Foo Pork, Fried Rice, and sub gum yuck, settle back with a cup of Cherry Blossom tea. Oh, may I read you fortune cookie? Hmmmmm…Confucious say: “Take out Chinese food…Please.”
“Chopsticks” (Band forms chopsticks)
But no discussion of the Orient, the world’s economy, or bad horror movies would be complete without mentioning Japanese exports. Whether it’s Kawasake or Mitzubishi, Subaru or Isuzu, autos drive the Japanese economy. When America’s yen for big cars hit the skids, Japanese business shifted into overdrive and began to crank out the cars. Why, Japanese businessmen have started referring the America as the land of the rising Datsun. Detroit’s motto became, “I used to have a V-8.” But do we worry? We’ve always got the musical majesty of the Princeton University Band.
“Hawaii Five-O” (Band forms ‘V-8’ changing to ‘5-0’)
November 5th, 1983
Outcome Unknown
Come with us, as the Princeton University Band takes you on a journey to that mystical world of the Orient.
“Princeton Forward”
First of all, China is big. As a matter of fact, it is quite big. (Band asks, “How big is it?”) It is sooo big that when the Chinese sit down to eat, there are over a billion served. Living in such an ancient civilization has several pros and cons. For instance, the pros include such niceties as silk, ming vases, rickshaws, opium, and the great wall, SHOWN HERE. And here are the cons: Genghis KHAN, Khobilai KHAN, Wrath of KHAN, KHAN Edison, Chaka KHAN, James KHAN, ScantiKHAN, King KHAN, KHANdiments, and Stream of KHANsciousness. And remember: KHANfucious say: Why does a dog chew its bone? — Because it KHAN.
“Superstar” (Band forms the Great Wall)
Have you ever felt left out at a party when the discussion turns to the ever-popular subject of Taikwandoe? Avoid this embarrassment by subscribing to Martial Arts Digest, Magazine of the Masters. Meet Quai Chang Caine, the priest who single-handedly defeated every evil, slave-mongering railroad boss in the old west…in slow motion. See our Sumo centerfold. And remember, Confucious say: “When Sumo wrestler sit around Pagoda, Sumo wrestler sit around Pagoda.”
“Baby Elephant Walk” (Band forms a pagoda)
Welcome to another episode of Samuri waiter. After you waiter Tojam is finished serving you your Bu Foo Pork, Fried Rice, and sub gum yuck, settle back with a cup of Cherry Blossom tea. Oh, may I read you fortune cookie? Hmmmmm…Confucious say: “Take out Chinese food…Please.”
“Chopsticks” (Band forms chopsticks)
But no discussion of the Orient, the world’s economy, or bad horror movies would be complete without mentioning Japanese exports. Whether it’s Kawasake or Mitzubishi, Subaru or Isuzu, autos drive the Japanese economy. When America’s yen for big cars hit the skids, Japanese business shifted into overdrive and began to crank out the cars. Why, Japanese businessmen have started referring the America as the land of the rising Datsun. Detroit’s motto became, “I used to have a V-8.” But do we worry? We’ve always got the musical majesty of the Princeton University Band.
“Hawaii Five-O” (Band forms ‘V-8’ changing to ‘5-0’)