Penn 1964
Princeton at Penn
October 24th, 1964
Princeton wins 55-0
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Marching Band commemorates William Shakespeare’s four hundredth birthday with its own evaluation of his greatest works. In Romeo and Juliet, we see a forlorn young lass gazing into the garden and calling for her lover — “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?”
“Under the Boardwalk”
In Hamlet, the Band sees the young prince in the throes of desperate self-evaluation. Unable to come upon a workable solution for his problems with Ophelia, Hamlet weakly cries:
“How Dry I Am”
With the Band forming a wind swept heath near Dover, we see the deposed King Lear bemoaning the ingratitude of his daughters. As a violent storm whips the bushes, Lear, coming upon the blind Gloucester pleads: Moving to Dunsinane we see Lady Macbeth pacing the halls. As the Band forms a bloody hand on the field we overhear her cry “Out, out damned spot.” The Band offers her its solution.
“Mr. Clean”
October 24th, 1964
Princeton wins 55-0
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Marching Band commemorates William Shakespeare’s four hundredth birthday with its own evaluation of his greatest works. In Romeo and Juliet, we see a forlorn young lass gazing into the garden and calling for her lover — “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?”
“Under the Boardwalk”
In Hamlet, the Band sees the young prince in the throes of desperate self-evaluation. Unable to come upon a workable solution for his problems with Ophelia, Hamlet weakly cries:
“How Dry I Am”
With the Band forming a wind swept heath near Dover, we see the deposed King Lear bemoaning the ingratitude of his daughters. As a violent storm whips the bushes, Lear, coming upon the blind Gloucester pleads: Moving to Dunsinane we see Lady Macbeth pacing the halls. As the Band forms a bloody hand on the field we overhear her cry “Out, out damned spot.” The Band offers her its solution.
“Mr. Clean”