William and mary 1986
Princeton vs. William and Mary
November 8th, 1986
Outcome Unknown
Ladies and gentlemen, the combined Princeton and William and Mary bands take a long, hard look at the seven deadly sins.
“My Favorite Things”
Forgive us, President Verkeil for we have sinned. We have sinned with gin and we have sinned with tonic. We have sinned with Anheuser and we have sinned with Busch. Yes, we’ve even sinned with the fraternity we passed on the way to the game. Yea verily, it was good. The band is well acquainted with the seven deadly sins. In fact, we know them on a first name basis. But don’t be jealous, that would be envy. You know what the Bible says about envy: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor thy neighbor’s ox; Neither shalt thou covet thy roommate’s girlfriend, nor thy president’s daughter.” Turning green with envy, the bands remind you that you can’t always get you want.
“Satisfaction” (Bands spell out ‘ENVY’)
While envy is “I want your body”, lust is “I want your body.” Lust is a difficult concept, so we wanted to illustrate it with visual aids, but they wouldn’t let us. We practiced it anyway, and boy are our arms tired. Settling for:
a) the Land of the Lust
b) Raiders of the Lust Ark
c) Paradise Lust
d) Lust in Space, and
e) Lust but not Least
f) the Richmond Spiders
We remind you that lust, shown here (bands wave), is something that even mummies had. “King Tut” (Bands form pyramids) It’s three o’clock, have you sinned yet today? Have you sinned alone? (Bands raise hands) In pairs? (Buddy system) What about in trios? (Hands down) C’mon Steve, you too President Verkeil. You know the difference between gluttony and avarice, don’t you? Gluttony is “I want to eat everything,” while avarice is “I want to eat everything.” Of course, if gluttony and avarice were people, they would be Elizabeth Taylor, shown here. But she’s not the only woman in history who has wanted it all; so have Marie Antoinette, Catherine the Great, Queen Victoria, Eve, Beatrice, Imelda Marcos and Madonna.
“Material Girl” (Bands form blimp)
Wrath, Anger, the fifth deadly sin. You know — the Grapes of Wrath, the Wrath of Kahn, Dan Wrather, Wrathberry Ithe Cream, Basil Wrathbone, and I’d Wrather be Ed Anger. What we’re trying to say is the bands are pretty darn irate — we’re mad at the Wahoos, we’re irked at the Richmond Spiders, we’re outraged by the state of Montana, and we’re particularly annoyed with Pocahontas. Forming the instrument of their wrath on the field, the bands say, “Go ahead, make our day.”
“Peter Gunn” (Bands form a cannon)
Even the bands can’t stay angry for long; like Elizabeth Taylor we love everyone, or at least we try to every weekend. But most of all, we love ourselves. After all, we’re suave and debonair, talented musicians, precise marchers and we dress oh-so-well. We know everyone wants our bodies. But we’re not ones to toot our own horns, everyone knows that pride goes before a fall. (Bands fall) Aw bands, you’re no longer proud and upstanding. Get up now and show us some of that high-stepping, sonic glory for which you’re so famous.
“Them Basses” (Bands form concert shell)
Well bands, you’ve done it all now. You’ve committed all seven deadly sins in one halftime show. You’ve committed envy, lust, gluttony, avarice, wrath and pride. Wait, that’s only six. You forgot about sloth. I guess you were just too lazy. At least find the energy to play one last song.
“Baby Elephant Walk” (Bands form blob, members leave field one-by-one during song)
November 8th, 1986
Outcome Unknown
Ladies and gentlemen, the combined Princeton and William and Mary bands take a long, hard look at the seven deadly sins.
“My Favorite Things”
Forgive us, President Verkeil for we have sinned. We have sinned with gin and we have sinned with tonic. We have sinned with Anheuser and we have sinned with Busch. Yes, we’ve even sinned with the fraternity we passed on the way to the game. Yea verily, it was good. The band is well acquainted with the seven deadly sins. In fact, we know them on a first name basis. But don’t be jealous, that would be envy. You know what the Bible says about envy: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor thy neighbor’s ox; Neither shalt thou covet thy roommate’s girlfriend, nor thy president’s daughter.” Turning green with envy, the bands remind you that you can’t always get you want.
“Satisfaction” (Bands spell out ‘ENVY’)
While envy is “I want your body”, lust is “I want your body.” Lust is a difficult concept, so we wanted to illustrate it with visual aids, but they wouldn’t let us. We practiced it anyway, and boy are our arms tired. Settling for:
a) the Land of the Lust
b) Raiders of the Lust Ark
c) Paradise Lust
d) Lust in Space, and
e) Lust but not Least
f) the Richmond Spiders
We remind you that lust, shown here (bands wave), is something that even mummies had. “King Tut” (Bands form pyramids) It’s three o’clock, have you sinned yet today? Have you sinned alone? (Bands raise hands) In pairs? (Buddy system) What about in trios? (Hands down) C’mon Steve, you too President Verkeil. You know the difference between gluttony and avarice, don’t you? Gluttony is “I want to eat everything,” while avarice is “I want to eat everything.” Of course, if gluttony and avarice were people, they would be Elizabeth Taylor, shown here. But she’s not the only woman in history who has wanted it all; so have Marie Antoinette, Catherine the Great, Queen Victoria, Eve, Beatrice, Imelda Marcos and Madonna.
“Material Girl” (Bands form blimp)
Wrath, Anger, the fifth deadly sin. You know — the Grapes of Wrath, the Wrath of Kahn, Dan Wrather, Wrathberry Ithe Cream, Basil Wrathbone, and I’d Wrather be Ed Anger. What we’re trying to say is the bands are pretty darn irate — we’re mad at the Wahoos, we’re irked at the Richmond Spiders, we’re outraged by the state of Montana, and we’re particularly annoyed with Pocahontas. Forming the instrument of their wrath on the field, the bands say, “Go ahead, make our day.”
“Peter Gunn” (Bands form a cannon)
Even the bands can’t stay angry for long; like Elizabeth Taylor we love everyone, or at least we try to every weekend. But most of all, we love ourselves. After all, we’re suave and debonair, talented musicians, precise marchers and we dress oh-so-well. We know everyone wants our bodies. But we’re not ones to toot our own horns, everyone knows that pride goes before a fall. (Bands fall) Aw bands, you’re no longer proud and upstanding. Get up now and show us some of that high-stepping, sonic glory for which you’re so famous.
“Them Basses” (Bands form concert shell)
Well bands, you’ve done it all now. You’ve committed all seven deadly sins in one halftime show. You’ve committed envy, lust, gluttony, avarice, wrath and pride. Wait, that’s only six. You forgot about sloth. I guess you were just too lazy. At least find the energy to play one last song.
“Baby Elephant Walk” (Bands form blob, members leave field one-by-one during song)