Yale 1980
Princeton at Yale
November 15th, 1980
Princeton loses 13-25
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Band takes a long, hard look at how to amuse yourself in New Haven.
“Princeton Forward”
Yale students spend much of their time in New Haven amusing themselves with stimulants and depressants. Here, pure Columbian is not coffee. Here, Frosty the Snowman and Puff the Magic Dragon are not cute children’s songs. Yes, friends, in New Haven, Hash is more than leftovers, and Space Brownies are not for astronauts. Asking the musical question, “Son, why are there baggies of Oregano in your room?”, the Band notes, that when you’re high, Everything Looks Inverted.
“Wipeout” (Band forms backwards ‘ELI’)
Yo, Band, one of your letters is backwards. (people in the “I” move around) One thing that people do not do for amusement in New Haven is watch the Yale Indecision marching Band. Some bands are entertaining. Some bands are intelligent. Some bands march and play well. But enough about us. Take the Yale band — please. Reminding you that even if you wanted to take the Yale band out of New Haven, you couldn’t get the New Haven out of the Yale band. Your favorite band runs an old joke further into the ground, forming a violin on the field and saying “enough is enough is enough.”
“Plenty of Nothin'” (Band forms violin)
And now Yalies, here’s something to amuse you. Something funnier than plagiarism. Something funnier than sexual harassment suits. Something funnier than your budget deficit. Yes, something even funnier than a Yale diploma. Scrap that worthless piece of paper — you can’t read it anyway. Feast your eyes in this fact, Elis, and if you’re having trouble, just ask someone dressed in Orange and Black to read it out loud for you.
“Theme from 2001” (Band forms upside-down y and flashes) (something) (something else)
PRINCETON #1 And now, the only truly amusing thing in all of New Haven — the “even Trenton is better than this pit” Princeton University Marching Band.
“National Emblem”
November 15th, 1980
Princeton loses 13-25
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princeton University Band takes a long, hard look at how to amuse yourself in New Haven.
“Princeton Forward”
Yale students spend much of their time in New Haven amusing themselves with stimulants and depressants. Here, pure Columbian is not coffee. Here, Frosty the Snowman and Puff the Magic Dragon are not cute children’s songs. Yes, friends, in New Haven, Hash is more than leftovers, and Space Brownies are not for astronauts. Asking the musical question, “Son, why are there baggies of Oregano in your room?”, the Band notes, that when you’re high, Everything Looks Inverted.
“Wipeout” (Band forms backwards ‘ELI’)
Yo, Band, one of your letters is backwards. (people in the “I” move around) One thing that people do not do for amusement in New Haven is watch the Yale Indecision marching Band. Some bands are entertaining. Some bands are intelligent. Some bands march and play well. But enough about us. Take the Yale band — please. Reminding you that even if you wanted to take the Yale band out of New Haven, you couldn’t get the New Haven out of the Yale band. Your favorite band runs an old joke further into the ground, forming a violin on the field and saying “enough is enough is enough.”
“Plenty of Nothin'” (Band forms violin)
And now Yalies, here’s something to amuse you. Something funnier than plagiarism. Something funnier than sexual harassment suits. Something funnier than your budget deficit. Yes, something even funnier than a Yale diploma. Scrap that worthless piece of paper — you can’t read it anyway. Feast your eyes in this fact, Elis, and if you’re having trouble, just ask someone dressed in Orange and Black to read it out loud for you.
“Theme from 2001” (Band forms upside-down y and flashes) (something) (something else)
PRINCETON #1 And now, the only truly amusing thing in all of New Haven — the “even Trenton is better than this pit” Princeton University Marching Band.
“National Emblem”